What informal words should be avoided in academic writing?
Official written speech does not allow for the freedom of expression and penetration of words that are acceptable in verbal communication, correspondence on social media. Texts for blog posts or mobile phone entries are too simple for academic speech and need to be replaced.
Colloquial vocabulary like good/bad, big/small should be avoided. They can be corrected by words like good/bad, poor and other more strict designations of this or that phenomenon.
Vague expressions should also be avoided. Such as a lot, a couple of, a thing. Exaggerations (always / never, best / greatest) and categorical, subjective expressions (naturally / obviously, of course, should) should not appear in academic speech.
High-quality technical translation from English into Russian will never allow the use of informal words such as has got to in the sense of should, got in the sense of receive or give (gives) instead of provide (provides).
Often mistakes also appear in such a seemingly simple thing as using the name America instead of the United States, the States or the United States.
Strictly academic speech also refers to clichés. It is better to check the text several times for words like at the end of the day, a happy medium. Remove conjunctions (literally, really) and constricted verbs (can’t, don’t, isn’t).
Care should also be taken with the use of first and second person (I, we, you), inappropriate professional terms (Demurrer, malfeasance) and gender-specific vocabulary (man, mankind, congressman) when referring to people of all genders.
To avoid such mistakes, it is best to contact a professional translator who will be able to translate in a way that is appropriate to the style and with attention to the terminology used.