Ranking of popular languages in translations for August 2023

Many translation companies receive fewer orders in August than usual. This is due to the holiday season, not only among corporate clients but also among the translation companies themselves. The downward trend is repeated every year. But the end of summer 2023 was special for three reasons:

1. A diffused language «palette»

There is a demand for languages that are rare in the CIS countries: Greek, Vietnamese, Latvian.

Also very rare languages such as Irish, Scottish, Bosnian, and variants of Hindi can be found in the order database.

2. Reduction in the number of Chinese translations

The pandemic is not the only factor influencing this trend. Logistics companies and customs clearance agents have started to automate the translation of declarations.

3.Translations «from a private person

Corporate customers are now more frequently asking for private translations. Why is this so? This is easier for many clients.

Here is how the ranking of the popular languages in August looks like

English; Russian; German;
German; German;
Russian; German; Kazakh; Chinese; Greek;
Spanish; Russian; German; Kazakh; Chinese; Greek; Spanish;
Bosnian; Bosnian;

English is still in the lead. Chinese dropped from third to fifth position. And Greek, Vietnamese and Latvian are consolidated in the top 10. Whether the current positions will be maintained depends only on the economic and political situation in the world and global changes, such as pandemics.