The theatre "begins with a hanger", and getting to know a company begins with the corporate website

As more and more businesses are looking for foreign partners or buyers, using the power of the internet and modern technology.

The majority of resources are getting versions in foreign languages, intending to tell the whole world about themselves and their capabilities. Translation of the site in a foreign language should simplify communication, but the only thing is not always these efforts lead to the desired results. And there are several reasons.

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Unfortunately, many owners of Internet resources do not attach due importance to the quality of texts that fill their site. And completely in vain! Low-quality content may well cause churn of potential customers. Would not, for example, the client doubt the professionalism of the staff of a law firm, if her site is full of grammatical errors and suffers from sloppy language? (You may also be interested in the services of a legal translator).

Who wants to send their child to an educational course that wants to correct a million errors with a red marker?

Illiterate texts on the corporate website we subconsciously perceive as a low level of education of the staff of the company. It doesn’t matter what kind of business it is.

Now add poor translation quality to the mix and you will understand why your customers have not inundated your company with orders yet.


Websites are written for human beings!

They are written by human translators, who put meaning into every word and try to deliver information and company spirit!

Even the most advanced automatic translators are unable to express the nuances of the language, the play on words and the emotional content of the texts they translate. Not only that, but sometimes even inexperienced translators are unable to do so.

If saving money on professional translations makes sense, look at Aliexpress. Few people manage to decipher product descriptions with something like this: «Fashion crocodile grain women’s clutch bags»
It’s a mistake to assume that only Chinese resources are guilty of this kind of «translation».
On the site of the company, engaged in manufacturing products from wood we find a quite innocuous description of the product: «A bird feeder, squirrels. Material: pine, maple, birch». And what do our English-speaking friends see? «Bird feeder, protein. Material: pine, maple, birch» I think that for many of them it is still a mystery what kind of protein from birch we are talking about.
Official institutions also sometimes try to avoid the help of professionals and then the President of RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) suddenly becomes «President of Wounds», and the Protein Research Institute turns into the «Squirrel Institute».
Such bloopers not only make the websites’ owners uncomfortable, but also leave a stain on the organisation’s reputation!


If the site is designed for a foreign audience, it is best to have the content translated not just by a professional translator, but by a translator who is a country expert. A quality website translation also means localization of its content. (See website localization for details).

Only a person who is familiar with the culture of the country into whose language the translation is being made will prevent many missteps due to our cultural differences and perception of idiomatic expressions.


When creating a foreign language version of your website, the best solution is to contact a translation company. The professional team at Minsk Regional Bureau of Translation has many years of experience in translating texts and localising websites.
Translators, editors and proofreaders of the agency make every effort to ensure that the process of getting acquainted with your company is comfortable and the information is clear and understandable.

Don’t skimp on your reputation, turn to professionals!