Translation for the Embassy of Cyprus

Very often clients contact us not only for translations related to moving to other countries, but also simply for the purpose of translating a small package of documents for tourists. The Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus has introduced some rules for tourists wishing to visit the sunny island.

If a child is going with you on a trip, then the embassy will need to provide a translation of the consent to leave the child and a birth certificate. The translations are not required to be notarized, it is enough to certify with agency seals.

The transfer procedure is as follows:

  • You provide us with electronic or paper documents
  • We translate into English within 1-2 business days
  • You pick up the finished order in our office

If the purpose of your trip is not a tourist one, please check the requirements in advance with the embassy or an agent. Document requirements may differ depending on your goals. For example, if you are going to get married in Cyprus, then you will need a translation of an extended package of personal documents with mandatory apostilization.

Our company employs competent managers and translators of the English language with extensive experience. We guarantee each client competent consultation and assistance in paperwork.

Our team has been working on the market for more than 10 years and has successfully completed more than 5000 projects on translation into foreign languages.

Our average query response time is 15 minutes. Please make your query more specific for us to make our response more swift.

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